Murphy's Law 莫非定律 內容由 普及美語雜誌社 提供

Candy signed up for a cooking class because she wanted to improve her cooking skills. After she browsed through the list, she chose a baking class. Candy had often thought that becoming a pastry chef would be fun. However, she had always been too hesitant to try it. On the first day of class, Candy was all thumbs. It seemed the other students were better at baking than she was. She feared she might be the worst student in the class, but she decided to try her best.

The second day of class was going better and, although she was still anxious, Candy was feeling more confident. It seemed to her that mixing everything together was quite easy. When that was done, she poured the mixture into a cake pan. Then, she placed the pan in the oven. As the cakes baked, Candy and the others watched the teacher demonstrate how to properly decorate a cake.

Afterwards, it was time to take out the cakes. Unfortunately for Candy, something had gone wrong with hers. It looked and smelled terrible. After the teacher checked and tasted the cake, she said Candy had made several huge mistakes. Instead of using sugar, she used salt. Instead of only using egg whites, she used whole eggs. And last, instead of using cocoa, she used cinnamon. It was a disaster that only Murphy's Law could explain.




Building Your Vocabulary    

1.hesitant a. 猶豫的,遲疑的
You will miss this chance if you are hesitant.

2.pour vt. 倒,灌,注
Alice poured some juice into a cup.

3.demonstrate vt. 示範
I'll demontrate how to use this machine later.

Phrases for Learning    

1.sign up for...  報名參加……(的課程)
Lisa signed up for a yoga class to stay fit.

2.browse through...  瀏覽……
I spent 30 minutes browsing through this magazine.
我花了三十分鐘的時間瀏覽這本雜誌。 all thumbs  笨手笨腳
I am all thumbs when I play the guitar.


1.pastry chef n. 糕點師傅
2.mixture n. 混合物;混合料
3.egg white n. 蛋白
4.cocoa n. 可可粉
5.cinnamon n. 肉桂
6.disaster n. 失敗;災難

Grammar Check    

..demonstrate how to properly decorate a cake.

句中的"how to properly decorate..."稱作名詞片語,所謂名詞片語乃由『疑問詞 + 不定詞片語(to + 原形動詞)』組成。名詞片語與名詞子句一樣,在主要子句中可作主詞、受詞或置於 be 動詞後作主詞補語。此處的"how to properly decorate a cake"即作動詞 demonstrate 的受詞。

We haven't decided where to go on vacation.

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